A House-warming ceremony also known as Grahapravesha ceremony, is done after the completion of the building on the day, the Owner occupies the building. This is essentially done to purify the house by means of a pooja (ritual) and to make it ready for occupation.

Vastu Shastra lays down guidelines for conducting the Grihapravesham ceremony as listed here:


  • Choose an auspicious day: After the completion of the Building, the Grahapravesha ceremony should be done on an auspicious and good day selected, after consulting a priest or astrologer. 
  • At an auspicious time:The Vastu Pooja should be done at an auspicious time after consulting a priest. Normally it is started at night and goes on till dawn. 
  • The house construction should have been completed before the ceremony: The building should be complete in all respects, before the Grahapravesham is held.  Even the upper floors should be ready for occupation.
  • Cooking or using the toilet should be avoided before the ceremony. All activities should commence only after the House has been blessed.
  • The Building should be scrupulously cleaned and decorated before the function. The main entrance door should be  decorated according to the custom of the Owner.
  • Grahapravesh rituals: The owner and his family join the priest in performing the rituals.
  • Grahapravesham lunch: After the rituals, the guests and all the workers who were involved in the construction, are treated to a lunch.
  • Gifts for the workers: The workers engaged in the Construction are presented with gifts as a token of appreciation by the Owner.
  • Occupying the House: After the function, the family should from that very day, start living in the building. 


During the ceremony, the Owner and his family enter the Building and partake of the poojas (Rituals), which the priest performs in the Brahmastana- centre of the Building, to the imaginary Vastu Purusha. Some of the rituals include the following:

  • Five essential items: for the ceremony include, Milk which represents the element Water, Incense which is symbolic of Air, Flowers that represent Earth, Fire or Light that symbolises Fire and the sound of a Bell that represents Space. In this way, all the five elements of Nature are brought together and offered to the divine power to ensure prosperity and protection of the inmates.
  • Enshrining of family deities in pooja room: The family's deities are enshrined in the Pooja Room  and worshipped and venerated.
  • Boiling of milk:  The lady of the house boils milk, till it overflows. The milk is shared between the family members to signify that the family should share the good and the bad always.
  • Sprinkling of holy water: This is followed by prayers for good health, wealth and happiness. Finally holy water is sprinkled throughout the Building to purify all the corners. 
  • Smoke is allowed to permeate the whole house: The Pooja fire is allowed to burn out and lot of sweet smelling smoke is allowed to pervade the house. This signifies that the Building has been purified.
This post was about the the Grahapravesha ceremony, the final ritual to be done  after the completion of the building, just before occupying it. Also read about the other rituals that are done before construction:

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