The Earth's magnetic field is approximately a magnetic dipole, with one pole near the North pole called the Magnetic North Pole and the other near the geographic South pole called the Magnetic South Pole. The field is similar to that of a bar magnet.

According to Vaastu Shastra, the Earth's magnetic field has a profound effect on all living things. This fact has recently been confirmed scientifically with the discovery that cattle and other herd animals such as red and roe deer tend to situate themselves on a North-South axis, as if involuntarily directed by the earth’s magnetic field lines to the poles.

Similarly Lobsters have been shown to exhibit magnetic sensitivity, relying upon the earth’s magnetic lines to navigate. Baby sea Turtles also seem to rely on the Earth’s magnetism to make their way to and fro in the Atlantic Ocean (that’s 8,000 miles round trip). Their bodies tell them when they’ve strayed off course - it’s just like having an internal GPS.

Though it’s not conclusively proven, there is compelling evidence that birds can actually see the Earth's magnetic field. Their eyes contain specialized light receptor molecules that communicate with the visual center in the brain, just as a compass relies on a tiny magnet to “tune in” to the earth’s magnet.

Similarly in humans, there seems little doubt that the brain responds to electromagnetic fields – coils that generate electromagnetic fields can trigger muscular twitches when placed over a person's skull. Also, psychiatrists have noticed a correlation between increased geomagnetic activity and increased suicide rates and clinical depression.

The ancient Indian sages, so many thousands of years ago, knew of the adverse effects of the Earth's magnetic field and accordingly incorporated this in designing of structures. According to Vastu Shastra, the Human Body is a magnet with the Head, the heaviest and most important part of the body, corresponding to the North Pole. If the head is directed towards the Earth's North Pole while sleeping, the two North Poles will repel each other causing tension, disturbed sleep and other related health problems. Hence, one should never sleep with the head in the North. Instead the bed should be in the East-West axis.
Vaastu Shastra lays down principles on the location, direction and disposition of  buildings, so that humans can absorb the positive effects of the Earth's magnetic field, throughout the day which will in turn ensure enhanced health, wealth, prosperity and happiness.

This post is about the Vaastu Shastra Factor | Earth's Magnetic Field and it's effects on living things and buildings. Read about another Vastu Shastra Factor that affects us and our buildings namely:
Vaastu Shastra is a rational science based on facts, observations and governed by a set of principles. To understand the logic and reasoning of these Vaastu principles, go to Vastu Factor | Earth's Magnetic Field


1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir,
    Thank you for your website on Vastu which is very informative. Let me confess to you that i am a bit superstitious and anxiety ridden by nature and that is why i am asking you this question.
    Is it alright to sleep with one's head towards South-West (Nairuthya)? I read somewhere that the Japanese avoid doing so. Also please tell me if a persons sleeps with his head towards the wrong direction for a brief period (like few days, one or two weeks), is it alright?
    Yours, Ranganath


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